Recipe: Delicious Paella

Paella. Paella is a Spanish rice dish originally from Valencia. Paella is one of the best-known dishes in Spanish cuisine. For this reason, many non-Spaniards view it as Spain's national dish. Паэлья с морепродуктами (Paella Marinera).

Paella I grew up eating paella every sunday with my family, and it´s a very special dish, it brings everyone together to the table and always creates beautiful memories. Paella is a typical Spanish recipe and is traditionally cooked in a "paellera" - a round flat pan with two In many Spanish villages, especially in coastal areas, they use a giant paellera to cook a paella on. Types of paella include, Valencian paella, vegetable paella (Spanish: paella de verduras), seafood paella (Spanish: paella de mariscos), and mixed paella (Spanish: paella mixta), among many others. You can cook Paella using 8 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Paella

  1. Prepare 1 of bol de riz pour 2 bols d'eau.
  2. Prepare 1 of oignon.
  3. It's 1 of tomate.
  4. Prepare 1 of poivron.
  5. You need of Des petits pois selon convenance.
  6. It's of Sel, poivre, safran voir colorant alimentaire.
  7. It's of Crevettes.
  8. It's of Chorizo.

This seafood paella from Valencia in Spain, called paella de marisco, is full of fresh seafood - squid This video shows you how to make an authentic Spanish paella, including secrets that yield perfect. This famous saffron infused rice dish is a traditional Spanish recipe that comes fully loaded If you've always wanted to but been too afraid to try Paella, I can assure you - there is no reason to be. Paella is a traditional Spanish dish made by cooking Calasparra rice with saffron, stock and a Take your pick of our easy paella recipes - from chicken and chorizo paella, to seafood or vegetarian paella. Paella a la marinera (aka paella de mariscos): Another coastal version.

Paella instructions

  1. Faire revenir l'oignon, le poivron et la tomate.
  2. Mettre a bouillir l'eau puis y verser riz, petits pois, sel, poivre et le safran.
  3. Laisser cuire a feu doux environ 15/20 minutes en remuant de tps en tps.
  4. Rajouter le chorizo et les crevettes.

Paella mixta: mixed meat and seafood. Fideuàis: a Paella that uses pasta instead of rice. Paella is a hearty rice casserole from the Valencian families, & to make truly authentic Spanish paella you need the best Paella is regarded as one of Spain's top national dishes, which has been passed. This paella recipe makes paella for two, and includes options for mixta (meat and seafood), seafood and vegetarian versions. Paella Para Dos: Paella for Two.

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